Sunday, December 23, 2007

2 more days......

Christmas shopping is finally done. Now I have to wrap everything. I have to go to the grocery store sometime today. I want to bake cookies and get things for out Christmas dinner. Yesterday when I went out, the crowds weren't that bad, well as bad as I thought they would be anyhow. I even made sure our precious dog, Dakota, will have a good Christmas. I got him a new toy and some special treats. I had to put him outside while I put his bag up, or he would for sure start begging for the said items. I am excited for Christmas, yet I feel a little guilty about that. I don't completely understand it though. Later today I am going to try to post a few pictures of some of my most treasured Christmas decorations. I am keeping it short this time, I need a shower and to get motivated a little. Its almost noon and I am still in my pj's.

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