Saturday, January 5, 2008

Man whats going on?????

I must say Friday was a really crazy day. I go to work as usual, everything seemed to be going fine. Not a whole lot of our work, but plenty of day shifts work we had to do. I was working, and someone came in from break and said the parking lot was full of fire trucks, cops, I mean it was light up like a CHRISTMAS TREE. It seemed like forever (although it was only about 20 minutes) that we found out a suspicious powder was discovered in an envelope. Work proceeded as usual in the building. Only those that were within 6 feet of the envelope were evacuated. After being there over 2 hours, everyone was given the all clear, and they to were back inside working. Here is a link to the news story. . I must add, they do know who sent it, the person put a address label on the envelope and even had their name and address inside with their donation to the particular organization.

It was payday, so on my lunch I had to go to the bank. I also had to grab something fast for dinner, so I went to McD's.

My sister in law was having surgery done to stitch her cervix, and I was worried about that all day today also. When I got home I found out everything went fine and the Dr was opptimistic that it will be a success.

Ya know how you sometimes get a feeling that something is really wrong, but you don't know what it is? Well I had that feeling really bad last night when I layed down in bed. I don't know what it was. Greg came home from work and started watching TV. ( normal) Dog was fine, he was sleeping beside me. I just don't know what it was. I was tossing and turning in bed, woke up enough to say hi to Greg and talk to him a few minutes. He asked me what was wrong, I was all over the bed and wouldn't stay still. Poor man ended up sleeping in the recliner, he didn't want to disturb me. Now I feel bad about that. I could understand if something was wrong, but as far as i know now, everything was fine, I just couldn't stay still and sleep. I was sleeping, but was kicking and hitting the air A LOT!!! I think I will go out and buy breakfast this morning for him having to sleep like that.

Tomorrow we will be going to my brothers to visit and also do the Christmas exchange. I am giving them my old laptop since my sister in law is on strict bed rest, and I will be helping them get that together and working. I will also get to play with I mean spoil our niece. I am excited about that.

I have also started to really think about doing foster care after I graduate in May. I am also looking into a program I recently heard about. There is a program where Ukrainian orphans visit for a few weeks. These children are up for adoption also, but the programs goal is to basically give the kids a break from the overcrowded orphanage. It does cost to participate in this program, but I feel it is for a good cause. This is the organization that deals with that...

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