Thursday, April 24, 2008

So much to do.... So little time...

Well I have 3 weeks until graduation and my party. I am getting really excited about it, but also stressed at the same time. I have nothing done yet. I need to get the house cleaned, food ordered, yard taken care of, food I am making. I will be officially done my internship on Monday. It is bittersweet. I have really enjoyed my time there. I have been asked to stay as a volunteer, which I will do until I either
1. find a full time job or
2. they find out if they have the funding to hire me.

They have told me many times, they want to hire me, they just don't know yet if they will have the funding. I guess thats what happens when you want to work for a non profit agency.

Wed. morning I went to an internship recognition breakfast at the college. That was really good. I did receive an award for that. Now on May 5 I have to be at college to get my cap, gown and hood. Greg goes to the Nascar race next weekend, so he won't be here to help me that weekend. I want to have everything done and ready to go with the house and such by the 10th of May. I don't want to have to rush around at the last minute taking care of things. Although I know I will end up doing that. I want everything totally done by Friday the 16th. That day I know I will be running around from place to place picking up platters, food and of course we can't have a party without the booze lol. Although there won't be any drinking until about 8 pm, or whenever the kids are gone.

On another note, my sister in law hasn't had the baby yet. I know she isn't due yet, but she had the first one a month early. I somehow get the feeling, this baby will be born on my graduation day. I am excited about the new baby, but I also want them to be able to come for my graduation. I haven't seen them for a while and I am looking forward to seeing them.

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